Like with all metric units, conversion factor between units of mass has a base of 10, or better say it is actually 103 = 1000. This means that like with units of length where 1 km = 1000 m, one 1 kg = 1000g. Prefix KILO in kilo-meter and kilo-gram, actually stands for 1000 in ancient greek.
So in the case of mass 1 tonn = 1000 kilograms and 1 kilogram = 1000 grams. If you are wondering are there any smaller units between tonn and kilogram, the answer is yes, we have unit such as decagram = 10 grams. Prefix DECA is derrived from latin and similar ancient greek work deca which means ten. We just don't see this unit very often since these days we find it unpractical, as most of the time we either measure things efficiently enough in kilos or grams.
Picture sourced from where you can check out for more information about unit conversion
Are there smaller units than gram? Of course just like we have centimetar and milimetar we have centigram and miligram. Just like 1 metar = 100 cm, so will 1 g = 100 cg (centigrams) and 1 g = 1000 mg. But these units again we rarely use in everyday life. Mligrams you will most commonly find on medicine packages since medicines need to be administered in very small doses.
So how can we convert mass units than? It is easy just like with every other unit conversion when we convert from larger unit to smaller one we multply and when we convert from a smaller one to a larger one we devide. For each step of conversion we multiply or devide once.
In case we convert 2 tonns to grams we will proceed like this:
2 t X 1000 = 2000 kg X 1000 = 2 000 000 g
So between tonns and grams we had two steps of conversion and for every step we multiplied by 1000, if we would go the opposite way and convert from grams to tonns we would devied two times by 1000.
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