AI selected skills

+6 votes
2 lessons
In 7-9 by James Lent Rockstar (4.7k)  
Start to find the C, if your melody start on that you can skip all the black keys on the piano. Did you know most melodies consist of notes that is 1 or 2 steps up or down from the previous, so it is a great help when trying to play a melody. So if you can hum a song slowly and listen if it is one note up or down, and 1 or 2 steps, then you can start take out songs by ear.
+7 votes
3 lessons
In 7-9 by Tanya van den Berg Guru (7.1k)  

Goods are any items that satisfy human needs and wants. They are material items that you can purchase. Anything that you can find in a grocery store, farmer's market, shopping mall, home improvement shop, or any other store is a good. These might include: fruit; vegetables; cell phones; train tickets; coffee from a coffee shop; etc. 

How is trade patterns changing, and why? Globalisation is one of the main accelerators of change globally. Check out this video on globalisation and how it is changing the way of production and trade patterns: 

+7 votes
2 lessons
In 4-6 by Nelli Numminen Guru (7.9k)  

Greek history in 18 minutes in a effective and fun way. Marathons, democracy, the alphabet, Olympics, Gods, Trojan, Homer. 
Hint: Go fullscreen. Afterwards, click Quiz and explore more resources. 

+8 votes
1 lesson
In 7-9 by James Lent Rockstar (4.7k)  

With 3 chords you can play hundred songs. With all these chords, you'll be armed with the power to play thousands of different songs. Play them slow one string at the time and adjust your fingers.

+3 votes
3 lessons
In 7-9 by James Lent Rockstar (4.7k)  

Here is a great video explaining verse, chorus, and bridge in a song!

+8 votes
1 lesson
In 7-9 by Admina Rising star (2.5k)  

How are you affected by fashion? 100 Billion Items of Clothing Are Produced Each Year. The Average Person Only Wears 20% of Their Clothes 80% of the Time. The Target Audience for Fast Fashion Retailers Is Largely Consumers Aged 18 to 24.

+7 votes
1 lesson
In 10-12 by Nelli Numminen Guru (7.9k)  

What events do you think was most important and influential to today's society?
Maybe one of these? Roman empire, Alexander the Great, Greek culture, Pax Romana, Jesus, Muhammed, Genghis Khan, The Black death, The fall of Constantine, The Renaissance, The Gutenburg printing press, Protestant reformation.

European colonialism, American revolution, French revolution, The American civil war, Industrial revolution, The medical revolution,  WW1 and 2, The russian revolution, The great depression, Cold war, Sputnik, JFL assasination, Digital revolution. 

+6 votes
3 lessons
In 7-9 by Makaela Anderson Doctor (8.2k)  
The English language was introduced to the Americas by British colonisation, beginning in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Differences between the two include pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary (lexis), spelling, punctuation, idioms, and formatting of dates and numbers.
+8 votes
1 lesson
In 7-9 by Tanya van den Berg Guru (7.1k)  

Earth has many different climate zones. The atmospheric circulation system creates Earth's climate zones.
We classify the climates according to the maximum and minimum temperatures and the temperature range. We also take into consideration the total and seasonal distribution of precipitation. 
Check out the different climate zones here:

+3 votes
3 lessons
In 4-6 by James Lent Rockstar (4.7k)  

Here is a great video showing you music around the world!

Hint: Checkmark a skill when you know it. Try it now to see your progress in the side menu.

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