Top skills in 10-12

+1 vote
1 lesson
In 10-12 by Juhani Katajamäki Guru (7k)  

Let’s learn the theory and method of Linear Differential Equations:

+1 vote
1 lesson
In 10-12 by Juhani Katajamäki Guru (7k)  

Once you enter adulthood, you will be faced with many responsibilities. You will have to understand new concepts that have a direct effect on your life. Understanding finances can save you a lot of money and help you make wise decisions. Buying your first house or apartment might happen sooner than you think. It’s worth getting ready to understand how to calculate interest and amortization.

Let’s learn the theory about Interest and amortization:

+2 votes
1 lesson
In 10-12 by Juhani Katajamäki Guru (7k)  

Everything that you study in Math has a practical application. Here are some practical applications for average rate of change:

  • Rocket science and space travel
  • Chemical Engineering Calculations
  • Predicting your electricity bill: If you have an idea of the average rate in which electricity is consumed in your household, then you can predict your electricity bill for a month.

Let’s learn the theory about Rate of change:

+2 votes
1 lesson
In 10-12 by Juhani Katajamäki Guru (7k)  

Understanding probability is a useful skills. It allows you to make informed choises that are not based on subjective feelings but an understanding of reality.

Let's revise the theory about Probability:

+3 votes
1 lesson
In 10-12 by Juhani Katajamäki Guru (7k)  

Mathematical equations can be used to solve many everyday life situations. Calculating the average speed of an object is one of them. However, perhaps a much more useful skill is the ability to tell someone who is waiting for you to finish your journey, at what time you will arrive.

Let’s learn the theory about Calculating average speed and distance travelled:

+3 votes
1 lesson
In 10-12 by Juhani Katajamäki Guru (7k)  

Some of the practical applications of the Pythagorean theorem include marine navigation, building almost anything (houses, bridges etc.) and figuring out which TV-size to choose (sizes are given as diagonals, so you don’t know the hight and width).

Let’s learn the theory about Pythagorean Theorem:

+1 vote
1 lesson
In 10-12 by Juhani Katajamäki Guru (7k)  

Prime numbers are numbers that are divisible only by themselves and 1.

Let’s dive into the theory of Prime numbers

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