Top 10 HISTORY grade 7-9 skills and popular lessons

History usually repeats itself.
+4 votes
2 lessons
Lesson created In 7-9 by Magnus Willner Guru (5.3k)  
Nationalism is an idea and movement that tends to promote the interests of a particular nation (as in a group of people). Here is a quick video about it.
+1 vote
3 lessons
Lesson created In 7-9 by Nelli Numminen Guru (7.9k)  


  • United Nations is an international organization that was founded in 1945
  • It was founded because the world wanted and needed peace after World War II
  • It took approximately two months to first draft and sign the UN Charter, which created the United Nations
    • The main goal was to prevent another world war
  • Four months after the first conference, the United Nations officially began (24.10.1945)
  • When it was first founded it had 50 member states, today the number of member states is 193
    • All of these member states have agreed to climate action in order to limit global warming

Main goals for the United Nations:

  • Maintain peace and security
  • Give humanitarian assistance 
  • Protect human rights
  • Uphold international laws 
  • Achieve a more sustainable future

The main parts of the United Nations are:

  • The General Assembly
  • The Security Council 
  • The Economic and Social Council
  • The Trusteeship Council
  • The International Court of Justice
  • The UN Secretariat 

Watch this informative video by RMIT University and learn even more! 

+2 votes
1 lesson
Lesson created In 7-9 by Nelli Numminen Guru (7.9k)  
  • Revolution is a major and sudden + typically violent alteration in government and in related associations and the structures 
    • Revolutions start when the social climate in a country changes and the political system reacts in a threatening way
  • Aristotle linked the idea of revolutions to many different causes but largely to the desire for social change 
  • Throughout the Middle Ages the countries in Europe did what they could to prevent revolutions and preserve order
    • In the medieval times church maintained the authority 
    • Sometime during the Renaissance however, the concept of revolution changed 
      • People began to believe in change and that it is necessary for the society to progress
  • Greatest revolutions of history are American, English, French, Chinese and Russian revolutions. These didn't only change the system of government but also economic system, social structure and cultural values

Check this informative video by National Geographic and get the most important facts about revolutions!

+6 votes
1 lesson
Lesson created In 7-9 by Nelli Numminen Guru (7.9k)  

What caused World War 1 Nationalism. Changes to the power structure of Europe. Arms race. Alliance system. Regional tension. Imperial ambitions. The consequences of World War 1 was enormous:

  • Map of Europe was reconstructed
  • Different treaties -> treaty of Versailles was the most significant one
  • Creation of League of Nation and Paris peace conference

 before the war                       after the war

Look at this short video of World War 1 to see the different phases of the war

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