+7 votes
1 lesson
In 10-12 by Magnus Jangerud Star (3.9k)  
  • Exercising improves brain performance. Working out sharpens your memory. 
  • Running burns calories! Exercise prevents signs of ageing.
  • More muscle mass = burning more fat while resting. A pound of muscle burns three times more calories than a pound of fat.
  • You get sick less often.

+8 votes
2 lessons
In 7-9 by Juhani Katajamäki Guru (7k)  

How to calculate to get the probability of getting 11 with two dice

+3 votes
3 lessons
In 10-12 by Sophia Stenfeldt Rockstar (5k)  

Top 10 Business books

+6 votes
1 lesson
In 4-6 by Asher Streets Rockstar (4.6k)  

Informative video of the matter water:

+4 votes
2 lessons
In 10-12 by Makaela Anderson Doctor (8.2k)  
What is a debate? What does it look like? Watch the video below to learn the basics!
+6 votes
3 lessons
In 4-6 by Tanya van den Berg Guru (7.1k)  

Want to see something AMAZING? Check out the World's current population and live count here.

Population growth is determined by two factors: Birth and Death Rate. The birth rate is the number of babies born each year per 1000 people, and the death rate is the number of people who die each year per 1000 people. 

When we compare the two factors, we can conclude whether the population is growing/ increasing (when Birth Rates exceed Death Rates) or decreasing (when Death Rates exceed Birth Rates).  The natural increase or decrease of the population depends on the difference between the birth and death rates. The rate of natural increase, or decrease, is the birth rate minus the death rate

+6 votes
1 lesson
In 7-9 by Gautier Baudry Guru (5.1k)  


  1. Organisms are adapted to live efficiently in their environment. For example, fishes can breath underwater while cats cannot: fishes are adapted to life in water.
  2. Inside a species there can be variation in one trait, meaning that the trait is slightly different from one organism to another. For example, the peppered moth is a butterfly that can have wings either dominantly white or black, which allow them to hide on trees.
  3. Changes in the environment means that different traits become more adapted than others. For example, in forests with most trees having dark trunks, the black version of the peppered moth survives better, and vice-versa. 
  4. The change of a proportion of a trait is called evolution. It is thus populations that evolve (individuals never evolve!).
  5. If the same species live in different environments, then they will eventually evolve into different species. This diversity in environments and the variation in traits is at the origin of diversity in the living world. For example, the peppered moth can eventually evolve into a black species and a white species, depending on the color of the trunks of the trees. 

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